Chapter 9: Unit Tests

What this team did not realize was that having dirty tests is equivalent to, if not worse than, having no tests.

This statement lacks nuance: if the dirty tests are actually testing software, then having them is better than not having them.

To repeat the example of when that is true: Oracle Database: an unimaginable horror! You can't change a single line of code in the product without breaking 1000s of existing tests
Oracle Database is a very reliable software (as of 2024), it comes at the cost of thousands of people suffering through the setup, but as a customer I enjoy its robustness.

Having tests that actually test software is good, even if they are dirty. However proliferation of mocking frameworks lead to the situation when developers spent time tweaking mock expectations and then testing the mocks.

This chapter unintentionally highlights the importance of balance.

First, it presents an example of a refactoring that I mostly agree with:

Original Code:
public void testGetPageHieratchyAsXml() throws Exception {
    crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageOne"));
    crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageOne.ChildOne"));
    crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageTwo"));
    request.addInput("type", "pages");
    Responder responder = new SerializedPageResponder();
    SimpleResponse response =
        (SimpleResponse) responder.makeResponse(
            new FitNesseContext(root), request);
    String xml = response.getContent();
    assertEquals("text/xml", response.getContentType());
    assertSubString("PageOne", xml);
    assertSubString("PageTwo", xml);
    assertSubString("ChildOne", xml);
public void testGetPage_cLinks() throws Exception {
    WikiPage pageOne = 
    crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageOne"));
    crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageOne.ChildOne"));
    crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageTwo"));
    PageData data = pageOne.getData();
    WikiPageProperties properties = data.getProperties();
    WikiPageProperty symLinks = 
    symLinks.set("SymPage", "PageTwo");
    request.addInput("type", "pages");
    Responder responder = new SerializedPageResponder();
    SimpleResponse response =
        (SimpleResponse) responder.makeResponse(
            new FitNesseContext(root), request);
    String xml = response.getContent();
    assertEquals("text/xml", response.getContentType());
    assertSubString("PageOne", xml);
    assertSubString("PageTwo", xml);
    assertSubString("ChildOne", xml);
    assertNotSubString("SymPage", xml);
public void testGetDataAsHtml() throws Exception {
    PathParser.parse("TestPageOne"), "test page");
    request.addInput("type", "data");
    Responder responder = new SerializedPageResponder();
    SimpleResponse response =
        (SimpleResponse) responder.makeResponse(
            new FitNesseContext(root), request);
    String xml = response.getContent();
    assertEquals("text/xml", response.getContentType());
    assertSubString("test page", xml);
    assertSubString(">Test", xml);
Proposed rewrite:
public void testGetPageHierarchyAsXml() throws Exception {
    makePages("PageOne", "PageOne.ChildOne", "PageTwo");
    submitRequest("root", "type:pages");
        "PageOne", "PageTwo", "ChildOne"
public void testGetPage_cLinks() throws Exception {
    WikiPage page = makePage("PageOne");
    makePages("PageOne.ChildOne", "PageTwo");
    addLinkTo(page, "PageTwo", "SymPage");
    submitRequest("root", "type:pages");
        "PageOne", "PageTwo",
public void testGetDataAsXml() throws Exception {
    makePageWithContent("TestPageOne", "test page");
    submitRequest("TestPageOne", "type:data");
    assertResponseContains("test page", ">Test");

The good:

       - the introduced abstractions are useful and reusable

The bad:

       - Martin introduces global mutable state (global in terms of the test suite)

Big drawback of this global mutable state - now tests can not be run in parallel. Hence the execution of these 3 tests will take 3x more time.

Another case of "'Clean' Code, Horrible Performance" ?

This is self-inflicted harm from a painful idea that no parameters is always better than 1+.

By fixing it:

public void testGetDataAsXml() throws Exception {
    var page = makePageWithContent("TestPageOne", "test page");

    var response = submitRequest(page, "type:data");

    assertContains(response, "test page", "<Test");

We get advocated BUILD-OPERATE-CHECK shape, without need to have implicit mutable state somewhere hidden. All tests are isolated and can run in parallel.

The first example in this chapter shows how adding domain-specific details can improve readability. The second one is an illustration that this approach can be taken too far:

public void turnOnLoTempAlarmAtThreashold() throws Exception {

is proposed to be rewritten as:

public void turnOnLoTempAlarmAtThreshold() throws Exception {
    assertEquals("HBchL", hw.getState());

// Upper case means "on," lower case means "off," and the letters are always in the following order: 
// {heater, blower, cooler, hi-temp-alarm, lo-temp-alarm}

The mini-DSL makes things harder to read, not easier. The "HBchL" encoding requires extra mental effort to decode, which defeats the purpose of making the test more readable.

Why not "heater:on, blower:on, cooler:off, hi-temp-alarm:off, lo-temp-alarm:on" ?

wayTooCold(); - is also very weird grammar. Is it a verb or verb phrase? Why do we need to hide call to controller.tic()?

In the BUILD-OPERATE-CHECK template: Controller.tic() is the OPERATE!

assertEquals("HBchL", hw.getState());


A more natural approach:

public void turnOnLoTempAlarmAtThreashold() throws Exception {
    hw.setTempF(10); // too cold


        "heater:on, blower:on, cooler:off, hi-temp-alarm:off, lo-temp-alarm:on",

Again in modern languages, like Scala

def turnOnLoTempAlarmAtThreashold() {
    hw.setTemp(10.F) // too cold


        Status(heaterOn = true, blowerOn = false, coolerOn = false, 
            hiTempAlarm = false, loTempAlarm = true

No need for cryptic mini-DSLs, the language itself is expressive enough to keep things clean and clear.

Final nitpick: Test Performance Matters

The getState function is shown in Listing 9-6. Notice that this is not very efficient code. To make it efficient, I probably should have used a StringBuffer.
public String getState() {
    String state = "";
    state += heater ? "H" : "h";
    state += blower ? "B" : "b";
    state += cooler ? "C" : "c";
    state += hiTempAlarm ? "H" : "h";
    state += loTempAlarm ? "L" : "l";
    return state;

StringBuffers are a bit ugly.

Not only are StringBuffers ugly, but they’re also slow (the book shows it age). StringBuffer is synchronized for multi-threaded access, adding unnecessary overhead. Fortunately, modern javac compiler can optimize the getState method to use StringBuilder instead.

public String getState() {
    return (heater ? "H" : "h") + 
            (blower ? "B" : "b") +
            (cooler ? "C" : "c") +
            (hiTempAlarm ? "H" : "h") +
            (loTempAlarm ? "L" : "l");
There are things that you might never do in a production environment that are perfectly fine in a test environment. Usually they involve issues of memory or CPU efficiency. But they never involve issues of cleanliness.

No. Test performance absolutely matters — especially at scale.

Slow tests can and will kill development speed. Ignoring performance in a large codebase means longer CI/CD cycles, slower iteration, stagnation, suffering and death 💀